Who I am

I'm a front-end developer based out of Bangalore, India.

I graduated from Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering (affiliated with the University of Mumbai) in 2018 with a Bachelor of Engineering degree, specializing in Information Technology.

What I do

I'm a front-end developer with close to 4 years of experience in building reactive and responsive web front-ends with JavaScript.

While I specialize in front-end development with Angular, lately I have also upskilled in React and Web Accessibility.

What I know

AngularJS (1.x)
Web Accessibility
Angular CLI
Angular CDK
Angular Material

Where I've Worked

Since August 2021
Associate Software Engineer
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
  • Worked on multiple applications catering to Wealth Management.
  • Created multiple screens with React and an internal component library.
  • Worked on integrating with APIs with Axios.
January 2021 - July 2021
Specialist Programmer
Infosys Ltd.
  • Worked on improving Web Accessibility on the training platform.
  • Worked on building a multi-tenant Admin UI with the library.
  • Upgraded the training platform from Angular 8 to Angular 12.
July 2020 - December 2020
Senior Systems Engineer
Infosys Ltd.
  • Worked with the team to continue and successfully rewrite the training platform from AngularJS to Angular 8.
  • Designed screens supporting RTL(right-to-left) layout.
  • Worked on building a UI library with Angular CDK and SASS comprising reusable components, directives and pipes.
  • Implemented dark mode using SASS and CSS variables for the training platform.
September 2018 - June 2020
Systems Engineer
Infosys Ltd.
  • Implemented numerous reusable Angular Components, Directives and Services.
  • Developed multiple screens as per designs.
  • Worked on rewriting a training platform from AngularJS to Angular 8.

What I've Created

JSON Previewer

A Progressive Web App(PWA) to preview, format, minify and download JSON.

Memory Game

A memory game made with React.

MD Editor

An UI to edit, preview and download Markdown files, powered by marked.js

Todo Notes

User friendly todo list and notes webapp designed keeping in mind the user's perspective.


Simple movie search UI powered by OMDB API.

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